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5 Quick & Popular Cosmetic Procedures

In this article we explore 5 quick, effective and usually painless cosmetic procedures that make a huge difference.

The world of cosmetic procedures has come a long way. Nowadays, these procedures can be completed in very little time and without creating the fake look we would see from older procedures. The main reasons for these improvements include the use of modern machines, injectables being gentler and doctors perfecting their skills. In this article, we will explore 5 quick, effective and usually painless cosmetic procedures that make a huge difference.


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Botox injections are arguably the most popular, non-invasive cosmetic procedures. Botox injections use a botulinum toxin to stop the muscles from moving, thereby giving the appearance of smooth skin. This is why Botox injections are so popular for the reduction of the appearance of wrinkles in various parts of the face and the neck. Botox injections can be done in as little as 15 minutes and this, combined with the amazing results they achieve, is perhaps the reason why they are so popular.

Non-surgical Nose Job

Nose jobs have been popular for a long time, but they used to be painful and invasive. They also used to require a long recovery time. Non-surgical nose jobs are now possible and they are done using injectable fillers which include Juvederm and hyaluronic acid. The results are semi-permanent and the procedure is a great option for those who want to experiment with different looks before going for surgical nose jobs.

Lip Injections

While some people may want fuller lips, others find theirs to be asymmetrical. Lip injections can help in both cases, helping transform the way the lips and the face look. Lip injections are done using fillers like Juvederm or fat that has been ‘sourced’ from other parts of the body. There is no downtime after the procedure is complete, which usually takes about 15-60 minutes.


CoolScuplting is another quick and popular cosmetic procedure that targets stubborn fat in localized areas around the body. The procedure freezes fat in the areas being targeted. Once this happens, the body can then metabolize and utilize the frozen fat cells in a process known as cryolipolysis. The process can be used to contour various parts of the body including the abdomen, inner thighs, upper arms, outer things, chin, back and more.

CoolSculpting has become more popular due to its long-lasting results that have been documented in various studies on the procedure. CoolSculpting is also very safe since it is a non-invasive procedure, takes about an hour to complete and there is no downtime.

Laser Facial Treatment

Laser facial treatments are great for correcting minor imperfections like dullness, large spots, sunspots and redness or darkening of the skin. These procedures have become very popular because they can help with a vast array of skin issues while helping the skin appear younger, suppler and youthful a few weeks after the treatment. There could be some redness after the procedure, but the results will be great once you are healed!

Chemical Peels

As your skin ages, layers of dead skin cells can accumulate on the surface. These can make the skin appear dull, wrinkly and tired. When these layers of dead skin are removed, new layers of skin can grow in their place, resulting in clearer, smoother and youthful-looking skin. There are different types of chemical peels, usually differentiated by their strength. Most of them can be completed in an hour with no downtime. The stronger options require a significant amount of downtime. Regardless of the chemical peel you get, it will help reduce the appearance of sun damage, wrinkles and acne scars.

Cosmetic procedures can make you look and feel better about yourself. Fortunately, modern cosmetic procedures can be completed in about an hour, are minimally invasive and require very little recovery time.

Images by Clay Boutté for DSCENE.

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