
6 tips to make you feel better and more confident about yourself

This post will present six strategies to help you feel better and more confident about yourself

Photography by ©Patrick Lacsina for BeatyScene

In this day and age, feeling confident about yourself really is the backbone of what it means to be considered successful. Unfortunately, many people struggle with feeling less than confident but don’t know what to do about it.

Luckily, this article is going to provide 6 tips to help you feel better and more confident about yourself. Keep reading to find out more.

  1. Be specific in finding out what you’re not confident about

You won’t be able to effectively feel better about yourself until you identify what it is that makes you feel unconfident or self-conscious. Ask yourself where exactly you lack confidence and where you’d like to build on this.

It will feel a much easier thing to tackle once you’re more specific in what exactly you want to work on. Perhaps you want to feel more confident in your own abilities, for example.

Photography by ©Patrick Lacsina for BeatyScene
  1. Work out what makes you feel confident

This is very personal to each individual so take your time to work out what gives you confidence.  A good starting point is to think about when you’ve felt most confident and what about that situation helped. It might have been the environment or maybe just the feeling you had. Make sure you’re really clear about this before moving on.

  1. Be true to yourself

It’s hard to feel confident when you’re always trying to be someone else. Embrace who you are and place value on yourself. Take some time to think about what makes you unique and write down why that’s so important to you.

  1. Remember your own abilities

Although you might not be the best pianist or the best speller, there are tons of other things you can do that more than make up for it. Maybe you’re a great runner or you’re extremely creative. Instead of spending time focusing on what you can improve about yourself, openly acknowledge the things you are good at.

Photography by ©Patrick Lacsina for BeatyScene
  1. Acquire new skills (if you want to)

One of the best ways to build your confidence is to grow your skills. Although you don’t need to become perfect at a specific hobby, it can be empowering to undergo new experiences.

It might be worthwhile asking yourself if there’s an area where you’re lacking confidence and if this has an impact on your overall confidence, or maybe you just want to add new skills on top of the ones you already have. Either way, remember that NOBODY is perfect at everything.

  1. Be your own cheerleader

While the people you spend your time with can have a significant impact on your overall wellbeing and there are numerous studies about the benefits of surrounding yourself with encouraging people, it’s also important to remember that confidence comes from within.

If dousing yourself in a new women’s perfume  and applying your favourite makeup is what makes you feel good and gets you going, great. Maybe a few minutes of affirmations is how you like to boost your confidence instead. Just make sure your kind to yourself.

Gaining confidence doesn’t happen overnight – our mental health is something that should be nurtured consistently to help us feel better. But, with these tips to hand, all that is left to do is start!

Images from BEAUTY SCENE EXCLUSIVE: New Spirit by Patrick Lacsina – See the full story here

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