
Microneedling – Does It Work?

The natural ageing process can be hard on the body and more so with one’s skin. To make things worse, factors such as pollution, unhealthy diet and hormone imbalances take a toll on skin health. If you are reading this, then you are probably looking for a solution that would help you revitalise your skin and make it seem like a few years younger. Many skin care experts recommend skin needling as one such solution, but does it work?

The bright side is that you can decrease the signs of aging, eliminate acne and create flawless skin with a skin pen. We urge you to read on to learn more about skin needling and what it has to offer.

Read more after the jump:

What is Micro Needle Therapy?

Microneedle treatment or Collagen Induction is a non-ablative treatment that aims to provide skin renewal results by creating controlled injuries on the shallow layer of the skin. Simply put, skin needling takes advantage of the skin’s natural ability to heal itself through hundreds of micro-injuries that are too small to see with the naked eye but enough to trigger an increase in collagen production.

Skin professionals claim that derma needling outshines the more traditional skin renewal therapies such as chemical peels, laser resurfacing and platelet revitalise plasma injections among lots of others. For one thing, skin needling is entirely natural and does not rely on any synthetic element to revitalise the skin. More importantly, the process does little harm to the surface and non-surgical in nature which means that patients can go on with their day after the treatment. There is no need to hide from the sun although you might want to close shutters and blinds at home or in the office just to be safe.

How is micro needling different from other tradition skin resurfacing treatments?

Microneedling uses a portable gadget such as Dermapen which produces small injuries on the upper layer of the skin which triggers the platelets within the capillary to cover the exposed skin tissues. The release of platelets activates a series of processes starting with the production of growth factors and hormonal agents. This is followed by the stimulation of collagen-producing cells and fibroblasts. The increased production of fibroblasts, collagen and elastin results in more elastic, smooth and revitalised skin.

Skin needling is carried out in a medical environment and is facilitated by a qualified skin expert. The needle depth utilised varieties in between 0.5 mm for small skin issues and as much as 3 mm for lessened pitted scars. Only certified skin doctors can recommend the right type of skin needling device based on the results that you want to achieve and the extent of your skin problem.

To make the most out of microneedling before and after results, skin experts advise integrating this procedure with skin peels and skin vitamin infusions. This is because skin needling opens up the pores and on the affected area and enhances the absorption of active ingredients that are beneficial to the skin. For this reason, skin needling is recommended as a part of one’s skin care regimen and not just a one-off solution for mitigating problems with one’s skin appearance — fine lines, wrinkles, scars and the like.

Images by Pawel Kocan for Beauty SCENE

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