
Simple Hair Care Tips In Time For Summer

Beat the fried and frizzy hair blues with our summertime tips

Simple Hair Care Tips In Time For Summer

Summer is just around the corner, which means there are more ways than ever to damage your hair. Between the sun’s harsh UV rays and the chlorine of your favorite pool, your hair can dry out fast! Beat the fried and frizzy hair blues with our summertime tips.

The Damaging Truth

Let’s face it. Between the heat and humidity of the great outdoors and the frigid temperatures of climate-controlled interiors, it’s a miracle our hair doesn’t go brittle and fall out. On top of that, curly hair arguably suffers the most in the summertime. People that have naturally curly hair usually know how to handle their locks. There are some great ways to help that you may not have considered.

Colored or not, the sun will burn hair and dry it out like it does our skin. When hair gets damaged by the sun, especially curly hair, it will try to hold on to any moisture it can find. After it collects that humidity, it can expand and break, which will make it lay every way but the way it’s supposed to.

Simple Hair Care Tips In Time For Summer

Helpful Hair Care Tips

Summer can do damage to even the most luxurious locks. Thankfully we have found some failsafe ways to keep your hair looking healthy for longer.

There is one primary rule for those of us with curly hair: curly hair calls for curl shampoo and conditioner. It’s important to remember that not all hair products are intended for the same hair type. Help your curly hair by using a shampoo formulated to keep curls moisturizer longer. This will minimize frizz and help keep your hair shape.

You probably know by now that pools can seriously damage hair. Keep chlorinated water and saltwater from drying out your hair by wetting your hair with the water you would use to wash your hair or put on some leave-in conditioner. This will help form a barrier between your hair and the damaging particles.
Less Is More

There are so many things that can dry and damage your hair. Thankfully there are small things you can do to help. During the summer months, the best philosophy is to adopt is “less is more.”

Use Less Heat

Curling irons and flat irons can fry your hair and leave it looking damaged. If your hair is already vulnerable, try to stay away from irons. If you must use them, find a lovely spray or balm that will help minimize the damage.

Be Kind

When it is hot, the first thing women tend to do is grab a hair tie and do an updo to keep cool. Be careful with how tight you tie your hair. Rubber bands are a huge no-no. Using the wrong hair accessories can not only damage your hair but break it.

Simple Hair Care Tips In Time For Summer

Top It Off

Like your face and neck, your hair can significantly benefit from a hat. A wide-brimmed hat can protect your lovely locks from sun damage and save your ears from being burned.

Snip Snip

Begin your summer right by going to your salon and getting a trim. Snipping off dead ends is a great way to have a fresh look and start the season with healthy tips. You may also want to go back halfway through summer to trim up again. Remember that hair grows quicker in the summer than it does any other time of the year.

Keep an eye out for what may damage your hair, and be prepared for your fun days in the sun. By being mindful of the sun and having the right tools, you can keep your hair fab instead of drab!

Images from BEAUTY SCENE EXCLUSIVE: Supernatural by Patrick Lacsina – See the full story here

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